@ezstreams Congratulations on your retirement, welcome to the club. It is off golf season for me currently, so I am listening to my system about 12 hours a day, some critically, some background as I browse forums and sometimes post, like now, but it is a wonderful life.
Looks like I am much more productive than @wsrrsw , I get half of my nothing to do done at the end of the day. 
Plenty of wonderful suggestions in here, I am sure you would enjoy many of the recommendations given, and you will never know what an Accuphase or Coda integrated will sound like in your system until you try it, but I wouldn’t be so anxious to replace what you have based on the possibility of a few future tube replacements. Knowing what I know, which is half as much as half of the people in here:
First: I can’t speak to your integrated exactly, but I have the Primaluna EVO 400 pre, and I can tell you changing the tubes to older ones (NOS) from the ones supplied radically transformed it- it is not the same pre-amp at all. From memory I can’t confirm that the bass went from a bloaty ponderous flab to the tight defined tuneful bass I have now, but I recall resolution and clarity being transformative- I could put the stock tubes back in and compare just the bass if you are interested, but then this is a pre and not an amp so I don’t know if that information would translate. As some have stated in here call a reputable tube seller (mentioned in this thread) and get some advice- they might even give you re-buy back if it doesn’t work out.
Second: I didn’t see cables mentioned- but I skimmed the last 2 pages and didn't check your original post again, so I may have missed it- but you can get much better bass with upgrading your power cables/interconnects, so that may be an option.
Lastly, don’t think solid state amps are problem free- I have had issues and repairs with everyone I have ever owned- everything has a life. Even the reported wonderful, bullet-proof, efficient, and environmentally friendly class D amps- my Nord NC500’s went through both of the power supplies in 4 years- tubes can last longer than that.