Revel Performa 206, PSB T-2, Focal Aria 936: Which offers the best overall sound?

The title should read.....":offers the best overall sound and value"

I have heard all three mentioned above, but at different times, and locations. For the record,. Revels F-206 retails for $3500. the PSB T-2  for $3499; the Focal Aria 936, for $4000. Even though, I did hear all three, I could not compare them, and I am not a big believer of in store auditions as the best way to determine which is best in sound quality. There are too many distractions, and the listener is wary of time limitations, and salesmen churning  the waters to get you to make a  buying decision.

Therefore, I would like to tap into the experience and knowledge of owners of each speaker who possibly considered the same models, and which they preferred. It is important for me to buy a speaker that  is revealing and musical, and  works well with almost all genres  of music

Thank you,



Above-mentioned Revels are pre-Samsung designs and, if bought used, easily pre-Samsung manufacture.

I recently heard the Focal 936 at a local dealer. Really nice from the mids on down but had no treble/ lacked detail. Very smooth and musical speaker. It was paired with a Naim Uniti Atom. Hotel California from Hell Freezes Over was jaw dropping.

I really wanted to like this speaker more but the lack of highs for me was a deal killer.

Interesting comment re the Focal 936 not having detail in the highs. I thought that this was were it was a fairly strong performer. I had the 936's for a few weeks at home and I enjoyed them a good amount. I decided on a set of Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers with the RAAL ribbon tweeters though and didn't look back. Those speakers retail for $2,900 new. 
@sunnyjim I'm curious, did you manage to decide?

I'm also contemplating between the Focals 948 and F208, it is indeed hard to decide...