REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab

I have about 5 grand to spend on loudspeakers.  Of these 2, Tekton Moab and Revel performa3 f208, which one would you goners buy? Or any recommendations? I have an old Krell FPB 400CX, Ayre K5xe mp, Wadia 321 Dac, VPI Classic turntable. 
@dougthebiker... how do you like the Aegirs? I was initially interested but from reading reviews and 3rd party measurements they sh!t the bed on anything below an 8 ohm load. Measurements obviously aren't everything but I didn't pursue it any further. I continue to wonder though. Seems like they need a high efficiency speaker to shine.
I’d strongly recommend the Tektons. I auditioned at least 15 pairs of speakers including Revel (sorry, can’t remember the model at this point) and ended up going with Tekton.I’ve owned Tekton Pendragons for aprox a year and a half, and still have no desire to upgrade. 
I stopped auditioning speakers after hearing the Tekton DI. They are so good no need to look any further. The price is just icing on the cake. +1 for Tekton.
(I really hope Eric doesn't raise prices soon)
All speaker manufacturers should publish truthful sensitivity measurements.
Per John Atkinson very few do.
Most upgrade just 2 or 3 dB.
Tekton goes for 5 to 8 dB
Bargepoles come to mind.  If they are dishonest about one thing, chances are they will be the same on others.