Revel Ultima Salon 2's vs B&W 802d's

Alrighty, I've seen some discussion here on these speakers. I'm currently doing a demo in my home on the Revels vs the B&W 802d's (I own both). In the near future I'm selling one or the other pair here.

Suggestions for the demo (i.e. CD's)?
Things to look for?

They both sound good and have different characteristics. I'll post some thoughts later - I've got some opinions now, but I want a longer test with these speakers.

Now guys I don't need to hear how this or that speaker is better than these two - I'll do another comparison later (IOW's no hobby horse discussions).

PS. I'm an old fart so some of my high end hearing is gone. I'm trying to listen a bunch before I go deaf and to ingrain good sound into my synapses.
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As you've figured out, both these speakers sound quite different from one another. I have listened to the Salon2 couple of times driven by W4S amps in a less than ideal listening environment. I have not listened to the 802D but have the privilege to listen to an older pair of N802s driven by a pair of Sonic Frontier tube monoblocks, also in a mediocre listening room. It is a matter of taste which speakers sound better. Both speakers do dynamics pretty well with the Revels having an edge at the frequency extremes, though I thought they were little analytical for my taste. Both speakers are substantially built and the looks of the 802Ds are an acquired taste.

I feel the Revels do all the hifi traits very well ie. detail, imaging, soundstaging etc. There is a fine line between hifi and musicality. Not to sure what amps you are using to drive both speakers but matching them with the right amps is crucial in getting them to perform to their capabilities. With the wrong amps in the wrong room they can sound pretty mediocre. The owner of the N802 preferred the Sonic Frontier tube monoblocks to the Mcintosh MC402, citing a more open, lively and transparent sound of the former. You may want to try your favorite collection of music on both speakers to see what kind of genres they excel in. I believe both are good all-rounders that can play most material with aplomb.

The Revels and B&Ws are quality speakers. Do let us know how you get along with them.
I happen to own the Revel Ultima Salon2 speakers. I have listened to them quite a bit for a year or so. Probably about 1000 hours.

One thing I absolutely agree with Ryder about - with a W4S amp, they will not reach their potential. I did an A/B test with a similar class D amp and compared it with a class A amp.

There was no comparison. The class D amp sounded analytical. The class A amp sounded musical.

However, I don't feel that this had anything to with the speakers and everything to do with the amp.

I have a pair of Mark Levinson 532H amps bi-amped with Wireworld Silver Eclipse 6 power cords, balanced interconnects and speaker cables and the Revels sound mellifluous! I also have the Mark Levinson 326s preamp as well as the 512 sacd/cd player. I'm sure that the synergy among all of these components has something to do with the overall sound as well.

I have heard B&Ws at a local high end store in the past and I'm sure that they also sound fine. However, the Revel Ultima Salon2 speakers are extremely engaging. They grab me and don't let go. They never sound fatiguing, even after many hours of listening.

Try Beethoven's 9th Symphony as a demo cd. Happy listening.
I'd love to have other folks weigh in.

Ryder, thanks for the comments. As for amps I can run either a Bryston 4b sst2 or a Conrad Johnson mf2500a. Running a CJ tube pre-amp Premier 17LS (got a CJ 18LS solid state too). Getting ready to sell some stuff in the near future. I'm considering matching one or the other and bi-amping. Suggestions on tweaking this system will be appreciated.

Other suggestions on amps?

Aaron - I like the system you've put together.

I haven't been able to give suffcient listen to give definitive results. I have a wife that "tolerates" my hobby and I have to listen when she's out of the house (I need to get her a job!). I've run some different selections and find that both of your comments are pretty spot on. I think I need more time to see if this is true, but I think I might like some less extended musical selections on the B&W's (focus on vocals and not on range or mix) while I like other selections on the Revels.

I wanted to hear both in my room and with my equipment - not relying on memory. Later I'll do the same thing with another set.