Review: Triode Wire Labs Seven Plus Power cord

Category: Cables

After reading the rave review of these AC cords over at Enjoy the Music ( I felt compelled to post a review of my own here at Audiogon.

Like many of you, I have tried a myriad of power cords over the years (brand names withheld to protect the stiff, inflexible and generally inferior and overpriced products). The bottom line is that with the purchase of my McCormack DNA-500 amp I needed a beefier cord with a 20 amp IEC to drive this monster. Pete, from TWL is a member of several audio clubs in the area and offered to make me a nice 8ga cord to try out. Well, after a few days of burn in I immediately got rid of my old cords.

This 8ga wire is made with some very special and highly flexible wire in a braided format. The connectors are pure copper. TWL burns them in for a good long while and polishes the copper tongs and applies Caig Pro Gold before shipping. A very nice touch from a manuracturer who cares about how his produict performs, and all at a very reasonable price compared to the competition.

This cord was so much better than what I was using previously that I then asked for some additional TWL cords to try on my CD player and preamp. What is really striking about them is their flexibility. I have never seen a large gauge cord that didn't threaten to break when trying to bend it to fit behind my rack. These are so flexible and easy to use. And the sound of these ... what can I say except everything sounded better than other products I have tried in the past. Yes, I had a few lying around to compare against. Tighter, more extended, better imaging and soundstaging, more musical detail and immersion ... all those good things that we are typically looking for.

Now Pete came out with his "plus" cords and offered to upgrade mine for me. I really didn't expect too much of a change from the standard 8ga to the 7 plus but boy was I surprised. It took a little more break-in but everything became just that bit better than before, and in a very musical way.

Yeah, this is a Rave Review, for sure, but I seem to be in good company. Just read the Enjoy The Music review linked above and you will ready why. I highly suggest trying them out. TWL offers a money back guarantee, and at this price how can you go wrong?


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many various AC cords over the years
I have two of his cords and also his new speaker cable. Great stuff and wonderful customer service.
Big fan of Pete and his cables. The nicest guy in audio there is.
Own both his powercords as well as his speaker cables. Honest to goodness high end propducts at average Joe prices. His speaker cables replaces the Morrow SP4 and Clear Day Shotguns in my system
TWL power cords have been a staple in my system for quite awhile. Aside from his 10G cables handling both my digital transport and DAC I have been using his 8G's in my mono bloc amplifiers as well as in my 2 Pi UberBuss power conditioners and there is no doubt to my ears how these cords enable the music to flow so effortlessly and naturally. My system has simply never sounded better, and no other power cords have ever been so beneficial towards that end. After all I have read it sounds like it's probably about time to order a pair of his new 7 series as I then shuffle the rest "down the line" (8's go to digital and those 10's to any place else [in the house]where there is an IEC connection as they seem to improve the performance of virtually anything they touch...).
On another note Pete has finally introduced his much anticipated speaker cable and I have a brand new pair breaking in right now... All indications are another winner as it's already sounding remarkably pure, coherent and, just like the signature term I have always used to describe Pete's cables: "Natural".
Keep up the great work Pete, and as always, it's a pleasure doing business with you.
The Triode Wire Labs cables are definitely special and have proven themselves to be critical components in my system's voicing.

Although I have not played with his 7+, but do own an 8+ which I use on my Pi Audio Uberbuss as well as a 10+ which I am using on my LampizatOr Big Six DAC and both are fantastic! I find they really allow music to flow naturally with the body and warmth it is supposed to have.

They are resolved but not hyper detailed, smooth but not snoozy, and they have great bass and dynamic contrasts. They are a very easy product to recommend and Pete's a really great guy to boot!