RIAA Equalized Turntable


I posted an earlier thread (1226290715)re: economical phono repamp. Thanks for the feedback.

What I need to understand is whether my Thorens TD 145 turntable produces an RIAA equalized signal. I was looking at a fairly cheap phono preamp from McLelland Music (MQ s35) on ebay, and the blurb suggests that it should be capable (read: economimical), but on the www.Mclellandmusic.com the blurb says that it requires and RIAA equalized source.
So, does anyone know whether I should expect the Thorens TT to produce such a signal?


Showing 1 response by 2002ss335

This should explain RIAA. Basically the signal is modified so that the vinyl can handle it and then the phono amp has an opposite curve that returns the signal to its original form.

So you would still need a phono amp with an RIAA equalization.
