Riddle me this....

It was recently suggested to me that by reversing the polarity of two stereo

speakers it will readjust  the depth of field in your soundstage.


In case that is unclear- If a voice was perceived as being one foot behind the

speakers and you swapped the positive to negative on the terminals of both

speakers it would make that voice move to being perceived as 

one foot in front of the plane of two stereo speakers.


Has anyone heard of this experiment and what can you

share about it?



Showing 1 response by genez

The effect can happen to an extent if your speakers are phase coherent.

Ever turn binoculars around and see how things now seem more distant than the usual close up?

Reversing polarity of both speakers has that kind of effect. 

But, its more like hearing what the nearfield mics pick up situated right next to the instrument vs listening to music in a room with some distance. That's what I perceive on my system.