I think it falls into the same category as buying a Lexus ES300 over a very similiar Toyota Camry V6. I have long thought a lot of people buy expensive stuff because they feel they have too to be legit in the Audiophile community and taken seriously. Then there is always the pride of ownership( my toy is more expensive than yours.) You always read on this forum where price dictates quality which is absolutely not true. It seems people apologize for having inexpensive equipment with statements like I'll make do until I can afford better or I know there is better, more expensive stuff out there. Some how, someway, we have created a monster. As one person stated, "You have to spend a lot of money to find out you didn't need to spend so much." Companies take advantage of this mentality because they know with proper marketing they can sell it.
There are some very, very good low priced products out there. They don't draw much press or interest because they are too "Cheap" to be taken seriously.
As for power, it takes ten times the power to double a given volume level. If you look at the specs in this light, there is not a lot of difference in volume between a 50w amp and a 200w amp. Not nearly what people would have you believe. I'm going to make a statement here and I don't care if people believe it or not but there are a lot more better sounding smaller amps out there than big amps. A lot of times, big amps because of multiple output devices, add more of their own sound. This is not to say they aren't any big amps that sound good but not that many when compared to lesser offering. The Pass Aleph 30 is a good example along with the 60. Pass labs new big amps don't sound as good in direct comparison.
One last little note, when comparing, the louder system will always sound better no matter what the quality. Give it a try.
There are some very, very good low priced products out there. They don't draw much press or interest because they are too "Cheap" to be taken seriously.
As for power, it takes ten times the power to double a given volume level. If you look at the specs in this light, there is not a lot of difference in volume between a 50w amp and a 200w amp. Not nearly what people would have you believe. I'm going to make a statement here and I don't care if people believe it or not but there are a lot more better sounding smaller amps out there than big amps. A lot of times, big amps because of multiple output devices, add more of their own sound. This is not to say they aren't any big amps that sound good but not that many when compared to lesser offering. The Pass Aleph 30 is a good example along with the 60. Pass labs new big amps don't sound as good in direct comparison.
One last little note, when comparing, the louder system will always sound better no matter what the quality. Give it a try.