"Mapman - have you tried the DAC direct to amps?
What is your source? Maybe too much jitter to hear these things....
Steve N.
Empirical Audio"
My main source currently is standard issue Squeezebox Touch mainly.
Roku Soundbridge before that.
I also have a Denon CD player/recorder.
Regarding jitter, I would have to a/b listen/compare to a known reference to say.
My digital sounds very good! I have heard a lot of good/reference digital and analog to compare over 40 years or so, not to mention many live performances of all types.
DCS Puccini on a 6 digit VAC based system is perhaps the best reference I have heard I could identify.
I have no complaints and think I would be hard pressed to do much better, though I try not to obsess too much over these things once things sound good/right to me.
I have worked for 4-5 years to get to to current state replacing gear, fine tuning the sound and acoustics, etc. My digital was much inferior to my analog 5 years a go or so. No longer today.
My preferred DAC on my main rig is mhdt COnstantine, which is a giant killer SS DAC IMHO. I also have an mhdt Paradisea that is very nice sounding with the right tube, but it cannot replace the COnstantine in my main rig. I use it in my second family room a/v system for more casual listening.
I would like to try SB touch to DAC to amp direct someday, but have not in that I also play vinyl so need the pre-amp for that.
I think my digital sound today would be pretty hard for most to fault if heard. It is done on a budget though, so I have no misconceptions regarding world class sound or anything like that. I think what I have assembled is pretty solid and competitive though! If you are ever in Baltimore/DC area let me know. I would gladly offer a listen to receive your feedback.
What is your source? Maybe too much jitter to hear these things....
Steve N.
Empirical Audio"
My main source currently is standard issue Squeezebox Touch mainly.
Roku Soundbridge before that.
I also have a Denon CD player/recorder.
Regarding jitter, I would have to a/b listen/compare to a known reference to say.
My digital sounds very good! I have heard a lot of good/reference digital and analog to compare over 40 years or so, not to mention many live performances of all types.
DCS Puccini on a 6 digit VAC based system is perhaps the best reference I have heard I could identify.
I have no complaints and think I would be hard pressed to do much better, though I try not to obsess too much over these things once things sound good/right to me.
I have worked for 4-5 years to get to to current state replacing gear, fine tuning the sound and acoustics, etc. My digital was much inferior to my analog 5 years a go or so. No longer today.
My preferred DAC on my main rig is mhdt COnstantine, which is a giant killer SS DAC IMHO. I also have an mhdt Paradisea that is very nice sounding with the right tube, but it cannot replace the COnstantine in my main rig. I use it in my second family room a/v system for more casual listening.
I would like to try SB touch to DAC to amp direct someday, but have not in that I also play vinyl so need the pre-amp for that.
I think my digital sound today would be pretty hard for most to fault if heard. It is done on a budget though, so I have no misconceptions regarding world class sound or anything like that. I think what I have assembled is pretty solid and competitive though! If you are ever in Baltimore/DC area let me know. I would gladly offer a listen to receive your feedback.