RMAF 2008 - Your impressions,...

I know there's still few hours to go but I was wondering what my fellow Audiogoners think of RMAF 2008. What equipment left great impression, even what was a bit of a let down...As for me, it was my first year and my time was very limited, but I have to point out Emerald Physics for their CS1 and CS2, which are great speakers, selling for much less (esp. CS2) than you would think. They sound a bit different than what most of us are used to due to their unique design. Unfortunately their need for two amps make it little difficult to integrate them in my system, otherwise they'd be on top of my list. I also have to mention AV123 and GR-Research whose X-static speakers must be one of the best bargains on the market (I know, we all have heard it before...), anybody looking for a $1000 dollar speakers (and even much more) need to give these a listen.
The Kaiser speakers still have me speechless.....

They are in the Hyatt on the 2nd floor
Well I just got home. This was my 5th year of going and each year I have watched to show grow in attendance as well as equipment mfg's shown. This year, more mfg's than before but attendance was down. I went friday and today and both days were extremely light. I noticed a lot of mention of deep discounts that I had never really seen in the previous 4 years.
But, on the equipment i was able to listen too. Wow again!
Audio Research shown with Wilson Sophias were the best I heard. Followed by the Ayre equipment driving Vandersteen's
Quatro Wood cabinet speaker. I thought Richard Vandersteen
only sported socks. These were the best sounding Vandies' I have ever heard, even last years 5's.
Other speakers I was impressed with ACI's with Kurato Amp/pre amp combo. For bookshelf speakers they rocked out loud.
And got some good vinyl too. So for me the show was good.
Just got home. The show help me realize that I am unlikely to ever change from my Merlins which remain the speakers that sound best to me for my room and the kind of music I listen to (chamber, small jazz combos, acoustic folk, bluegrass etc.) What I learned at the show is that I almost never like speakers with a lot of drivers. They are impressive in some ways, but the never sound natural to me - oversize instruments, incoherent sound stage, etc. I agree that there were some nice sounding speakers from AV123, I especially like the small 2-way they were using with the Dodd pre and poweramp today. I also like the Von Gaylord setup with all electronics and speakers made by them. The Reimyo room also sound very good with there small concentric driver speaker ($6,000), and I was also impressed with the Wilson Benesch speakers, the small Curve speakers was very nice paired with DeHavilland amplification. With all I heard, I kept going back to the Merlin room (Joule electronics) and I realize just how good and sorted out the VSMs are - one part part of my system that I have ceased to question.
I thought the Raidho speakers were terrific, and the WLM speakers RedWine audio was showing were very nice, and the new Avalon Indra is as good as you've heard or read about them....and I agree with everything written above...