Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005

I'm just wondering how many Agoners will be attending this year's fest?

Any word on any analog goodies this year?
Rives Audio will be there and will be giving several seminars on Room Acoustics.
I am sure that there will be alot of analog as most of the rooms last year were spinning vinyl. There are sure to be several Teres and Galibier tables running. I have heard that Loyd Walker will be there with his analog gear in the Redrock Audio room. Also Artemis will be in attendance with their new phono stage. There should be alot of good analog stuff to check out.

Sounds like you had a great drive to get to the Audiofest last year. It's almost too bad in a way I'm closer coming from Los Angeles. I guess I'll have to stop off at Las Vegas, heheh.

If I can make it, I'd love to attend your seminars Richard.

Last year I couldn't make, although I had a great time with Thom Mackris listening to 2 Galibier Supremes with the Schroeder Ref & the Triplanar 7. So this year, I've got this chance and will go for sure.

For those you want to know more, check the site below.
Had a great time last year and will be attending again. The local micro brews in the hotel bar make a nice break when the ears get tired. Herron Audio will have a room this year. And I am looking forward to meeting Frank Schroder who will be in attendance again this year. I bought one of his arms, but have not received it yet.