Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005

I'm just wondering how many Agoners will be attending this year's fest?

Any word on any analog goodies this year?
I thought the Modwright room had an excellent set-up. As did the Exemplar room, but mainly due to the analog set-up featuring the Galibier TT. I also enjoyed listening in the Herron room.
My report is up at PFO

Audiogon has over 300 excellent images that I shot for them, hopefully they will be up soon. It was a great show, wish a couple of the Audiogon wheels had been there to share the fun.
Albert I forgot how good the Teres 360 looked! All of the pictures are great. I can't wait to see the rest here at AudiogoN. Nice work!
Congrats Albert, great pics and well crafted descriptions...I see why you get the big bucks!
Very nice work Albert!

I really enjoyed seeing you, and Pat, and Nate, and the whole crew that had dinner together with us on Saturday night. It was fun!