Rod Stewart - Every Picture Tells A Story

I luv this record and have many versions in multiple formats. I don’t have golden ears and I’m agnostic when it comes to formats. I’ve got them all in large quantities. The curse of the collector/hoarder. Today I received a 2016 Japanese SHM-SACD on Mercury for a very reasonable price and it’s by far the best sounding version of this record I have.

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That's a good engineered recording! Rod's first two recordings (The Rod Stewart Album and Gasoline Alley) are also recommended listening. 


Agreed- the SHM-SACD is a keeper. Play It LOUD!


Happy Listening!

The Rod Stewart Reason to Believe collection has all his solo Mercury albums in excellent sound.  The early Faces albums are also excellent First Step, Long Player ( a favorite of mine) and A Nod is as Good as a Wink.

Enjoy the music.