Romulus CD player--

Anyone have any experience with the above product, and or input regarding same?
I have owned the best direct and tried it many, many, many will
never do for me. I must have a top flight TUBE preamp or too much is lost

I am reading that DAC thread. I see G sold his top flight SS pre and that is
good for him. He likes a certain type of sound that may well be different
than my preferences. I don't like Class D amps and he seems fond of them.
I would see why he likes going preless.
When will people come the realization that we all hear differently and have different taste.This topic comes up over and over again the source to amplifier versus the insertion of a preamplifier.
There will always be differences of opinions because we all hear differently .In my opinion a first rate tube preamp is an absolute mandatory necessity other people simply don't feel that way. So be it.
So many variables and it comes down to personal preference; I tried going pre-less but preferred the full sound my tube pre provided.
I know you've tried the Lightspeed as well as other passive units.I recall a couple of years ago you preferred the April Music DAC direct source to amplifier over the TRL DUDE in your system. No one can say you didn't try your best to get rid of the active preamp. After all of that the active tube preamp is back. Without the full true tone and dynamics the music ultimately sounds incomplete, just listen to live acoustic instruments(color,body,harmonic richness, i.e. life and emotion).Bill I give you credit, you sure did try your best to abolish your preamp.