Romulus CD player--

Anyone have any experience with the above product, and or input regarding same?
I had the Romulus Signature and liked it very much. I however like the sound better when I use the PS Audio Transport to it. The difference being night and day. I sold the Romulus and bought a Pandora DAC since I wasn't using the cd player. I then upgraded the signature to eclipse. Oh my gosh a totally different player now. Much more detail, refinement. I think this is worth the upgrade. The Stealth caps need at least 400 hours. If anyone is interested in using a PS Audio transport I can recommend a digital cable that is fabulous with it.

You still play around with those small signal tubes? It's all about DHTs and big bottles for me now. LoL

Stay far away from you old haunts as you may get hooked on Level 7 and have to dig into your pocket. Hahah

You really are missing out on DSD and DSD2x an upconversion to even higher rates, but I know you hate Computers.

Anyway, enjoy the CD collection. If it aint broke...
Bill (Grannyring) sold his Romulus and is currently using the Japanese Yamamoto DAC and PS Audio transport(PWT).
Thanks Winson. Yes I moved from the Lampi which was bested by the Romulus to the Yamamto that will stay. I like the Yamamoto more than any $10,000 dac I have heard including the mighty Lampi family.

The Yamamto is a very simple and special dac. No need to compare to other players as it just pleases. Makes one not care about this or that Aphile attribute or those big $$ dacs.