Charles and Bill,
I am happy for both of you. I have having extreme purity and musicality from my Big7 and can trnsform the presentation by rolling DHTs in combination with therectifiers.
I am currently running a JAN 5r4gy with a new pair of EML45 - mesh plate pair I received yesterday. It stokes me that I have pairs of 45 globes from 1919 that I can use to get incredible midrange musicality and rectis like the Phillips metal base GZ34 that gives a tight minty fresh flavour. Most of these old tubbes cost me less that $20 a piece from a vintage seller in my area.
Nothing like big bottle DHTs...especially for chipless DSD.
I am happy for both of you. I have having extreme purity and musicality from my Big7 and can trnsform the presentation by rolling DHTs in combination with therectifiers.
I am currently running a JAN 5r4gy with a new pair of EML45 - mesh plate pair I received yesterday. It stokes me that I have pairs of 45 globes from 1919 that I can use to get incredible midrange musicality and rectis like the Phillips metal base GZ34 that gives a tight minty fresh flavour. Most of these old tubbes cost me less that $20 a piece from a vintage seller in my area.
Nothing like big bottle DHTs...especially for chipless DSD.