Room acoustics

I'm looking over th dynamics of my listening space. It's a condo with large living room 20x20, continuous with kitchen and dining room for a total of 20x45. To say the least it's acoustically challenged. Our decorating will pretty much stay the same so no big heavy drapes. So, with an emphasis on turning any skepticism ( legitimate ) my wife may have of turning our present living space of echos into one of really satisfying, beautiful sound, what can anyone say about DIK acoustic products. I've read some great reviews but would enjoy hearing from the community. Thanks.
GIK is more than ok, they are outstanding and a great value. I could not recommend them more highly and I have owned far more expensive treatment.

Treat the first and second side reflection points with the 2 or 4 inch panels. What speakers do you own as I can help you with the wall behind the speakers.

We really need to know how close the speakers will be to the room boundaries to really help.
I certainly appreciate your interest, I'll do my best to give the details.

BT _____A_____| wd |_| Wd |_| wd |__ __A____ BT
| tv |
| Sp Sp |
A | | A
|___ |_
| Chair wd
/ Chair =
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|. Couch =
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|. _
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|. desk Desk |
BT |___ Hutch |
|///////|. ___________________ | BT
|///////|. |___________________
|///////|. Open Bar |
strs |. |
| |
| |
| Kit |
|. |
|. |
|. |
|. |
|_______. _______|
------------| |------------
|. |
|. |
|. |
|. Dining |
|. |
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Door ]]]]. |
___________|. Patio dr |__________|

The living room is 20'x20', kitchen extends 20', dining 10' more.
"A" marks potential panels, BT = base traps

Are more products needed? We have hardwood floors but have large rugs. The blinds will be changed to a fabric. I know the "tv in front of the window" seems odd but with my measurements the reflections will be addressed. Well, I hope this information can help.

It wouuld also help to know something about the problems. I took "living space of echos" to indicate problems with a large, underdamped/underdiffused space, quite possibly with some very reflective tile and such in the kitchen. As a general rule, the larger the space the more damping you need, but the less bass trapping, and the better it will ultimately sound.
I just spent the time putting in a room diagram but apparently the soft ware here scrambled all the info. Oh well, I'll call Jim.