Room is way too bright.

Unfortunately, my listening room has a lot of windows.

I’m happy with my system, but I need to decrease the higher frequencies at bit.
What is the best and most cost effective way of achieving that?





Showing 2 responses by akg_ca

+1 for the room treatment(s) highlighted above …easy first intuitive option.

Another possible wild card - a novel adjustment

When I changed speakers AND changed my listening room to a new room with a very large prominent wall of huge windows, it created a hard new annoying brittleness, an irritating harsh edginess, and new adverse reflections warts introduction,

The room treatments were a good first step but still incomplete in its desired effects. Add to it, that pesky WAF and the issue was still an annoying hurdle.

The next step was considering new speaker cables for my brand new HARBETH speakers in this new listening arena. My prior all NORDOST FREY ( Ag over Cu) loom worked fine in my prior speakers and mancave, BUT were now an overly too bright , too edgy, too harsh … and anything but pleasing ,

I sold the NORDOST loom sequentially, and commenced with CARDAS CLEAR power cables and stablemate CARDAS CLEAR IC’s, A distinct uogrsde immediately but the NORDOST speaker cables in process to be sold off too , still were a brittle and edgy and excess brightness performer thst needed to be tamed .

before I took the leap directly to matched CARDAs CLEAR model speaker cables, I had a cyberchat with guru (and hubby to Angela Cardas…) Josh Meredith at CARDAS CABLES , for his opinion on brightness taming options. His response surprised me ,,,, read on.

Josh informed me that his family home similarly faced brightness excess challenges, from a large bank of large windows that now invoked that listening room excess brightness. Intuitively, he could have the very best CARDAS CLEAR or their too CARDAS CLEAR BEYOND speaker cables . He tried both first but with unresolved brightness concerns still remaining…..his glass windows brightness taming exerciseswas incomplete even with their top all-Cu models. Something with a bit more warmer tone was considered as a further tool/tweak ,

On the advice of his engineers, Josh inserted their CARDAS CLEAR RELECTION model speaker cables. These third option are one model down from the CARDAS CLEAR and two models down from the very top model CARDAS CLEAR BEYOND models ..,.and with a we’ll known “ warmer” tone in these REFLECTION models.

Result: His system in glass wall rooms had new immediate success eliminating thst excess brightness / edge with these warmer sounding speaker cables with no loss of detail, dynamics, transparency , and slam,= a bespoke further custom fix for too-bright windows warts.

of course, Josh highlighted to me that if my room permits CLEAR or better CLEAR BEYOND added performance, then intuitively go for it. This glass wall hurdle required a bespoke adjustment experiment worth trying.


On Josh’s suggestion, I also followed suit with CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cables for my similar glass windows “edge” taming dilemma…

Problem solved for me too … Who knew? ( I guess that CARDAS CABLES engineers did .,.)



(1) Room treatments first

(2) Next .,,, consider an all-Cu high-end cables loom ( stay away from Ag or Ag over Cu materials) with a “warm” presentation to address that not insignificant final step to tame an irritating brightness / edge intrusion from reflection warts in prominent glass windows