Room is way too bright.

Unfortunately, my listening room has a lot of windows.

I’m happy with my system, but I need to decrease the higher frequencies at bit.
What is the best and most cost effective way of achieving that?





Thanks to all for your many suggestions and comments. 
And yes, I should have done a bit more research before asking about reflection points. My apologies. 

I have 17 windows in my large listening room. Using Marigo tuning dots made huge positive difference with no downside. Visually my wife initially did not like but got used to the look after a week or so.

You should consider BACCH4MAC.... their room correction software (ORC) is amazing.... I have an office with windows along both sides and it fixed everything as well as made the speakers completely disappear...  most incredible technology I have ever heard 

Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH4Mac Stereo Purifier Review - The Absolute Sound