Lots of good reading here if you dig around...some nice free tools for download also.
Room Treatments - Where to learn more?
Lots of good reading here if you dig around...some nice free tools for download also. http://www.realtraps.com/ Dave |
Tobias suggestions are right on and two of four suggestions I would make. At The Home Entertainment Show in NYC this year, I noticed that the rooms treated with Real Traps sounded noticeable better than other rooms. I spoke with Ethan Winer, the proprietor of Real Traps, who is very knowledgeable and helpful. I purchased some of his products and they have produced a phenomenal improvement in the sound in my room. http://www.realtraps.com/ Also, "The Master Handbook of Acoustics," by F. Alton Everest, is the bible. |
Acoustics circle Realtraps, Ethan's articles Ethan Winer: Acoustics Forum gik acoustics What kind of bass trap do I need? BBC/DIY More DIY absorption Some links that I had lying around. There are more forums and DIY sites, but most of the forums have the same crew of experts. I'm playing with fiberglas/diy panels, I'm treating a bad (tight) space and experimenting so that I can move on to a family space. It's well worth the effort, unfortunately I am finding the ceiling makes a really big difference in beautiful tone. Simple treatment (corners walls and ceiling err... not simple, sorry) will reward you in great bass (the holy grail). Even my ridiculously simple attempts have yielded great results. I started off unintentionally deadening the area and learned about what worked and what took the energy away. Otherwise take a look at some of the more respected names, it's worth the money not to have to build, and they do a better job that glued fiberglass and wood Gregg |
There is some basic info here http://www.decware.com/newsite/mainmenu.htm I used Auralex foam products http://www.auralex.com/in a dedicated room but they may not fit your decor. I wouldn't use them in a living area. |