Tobias suggestions are right on and two of four suggestions I would make.
At The Home Entertainment Show in NYC this year, I noticed that the rooms treated with Real Traps sounded noticeable better than other rooms. I spoke with Ethan Winer, the proprietor of Real Traps, who is very knowledgeable and helpful. I purchased some of his products and they have produced a phenomenal improvement in the sound in my room.
Also, "The Master Handbook of Acoustics," by F. Alton Everest, is the bible.
At The Home Entertainment Show in NYC this year, I noticed that the rooms treated with Real Traps sounded noticeable better than other rooms. I spoke with Ethan Winer, the proprietor of Real Traps, who is very knowledgeable and helpful. I purchased some of his products and they have produced a phenomenal improvement in the sound in my room.
Also, "The Master Handbook of Acoustics," by F. Alton Everest, is the bible.