RRL Cleaner, Vinyl Zyme, and Groove Glide


I was the guy who was unhappy with my vacumn cleaned records a few weeks ago and I think I found the answer.

After cleaning with super wash and regular wash, then vinyl zyme, then regular wash, then groove glide,(I know it is time consuming!), I got to tell all of you guys that my records are Dead Quiet and Detail has improved alot. The soundstage perspective is a little more like sitting in row 35 versus row 20, but the smoother detailed sound and presentation is nice.

Just thought I would let others know that I tried these products in case others of you are interested. Definitely worth the money spent.

I'm having major problems with my records. There are noise, pop... etc... on all the records. I used some cleaning fluids but it didn't improve at all... :(
Well, for now I stick to my CD player.
Just another rave for AIVS which, IME, leaves absolutely nothing on the stylus that I can detect. I've now done about 75 records with the stuff using a manual Record Doctor (Nitty Gritty) RCM, and find it really amazing. Caveat: I've never tried RRL, but it's hard to imagine that it would produce better results.

I was a dedicated RRL fan before AIVS. Not anymore! After cleaning a ton of records with AIVS I've seen nothing but a clean stylus also. And still have noticed no degradation of the vinyl, at all, sonically or otherwise.

Looks like a winner to me.
