Rush in 5.1 surround

I was just wondering how Rush fans were reacting to the new album being released in 5.1 Hi rez? I know there was alot of controversy over the final production of Vapour Trails and complaints it was recorded to loud and distorted. I kinda liked it! and I can hardly wait for Snakes and Arrows.
No I did't get the R30 box set. I thought about it though as it was a pretty good deal - if you wanted all three concerts. (The separate 2007 DVD's are the same though - so I was told at HMV)
Well I got the R30 set and listened last night - I guess I was curious to see if it was better.

It was and it wasn't.

The venue acoustics were terrible...and the guitars and vocals were rather muffled and often seemed to suffer what vinyl fans would call digititus or compression distortion.

The drums were indeed much better recorded on R30 than Exit Stage Left and Show of Hands. The video is tremendous quality on R30. So this is big plus for those who concentrate on video!! However, the band is not tight! Serious timing errors occurring on a regular basis and Geddy's voice ain't what it used to be. Still amazing for a bunch of aging rockers - few bands could pull of such an amazing performance but it is only a pale shade of what Rush could pull off in their early years.

Overall verdict, after reviewing extensively all three ( Exit Stage Left, Show of Hands and R30), I prefer Exit Stage Left for the sound and musicianship ( nice analog sound and great venue acoustics ). Exit Stage Left is an awesome concert and the musicianship is first rate - they are at their peak and you can hear it - you just can't see that much as video is crap - although seeing Neil play such an assortment of percussion is impressive. R30 is frankly kind of ho-hum musically - the timing is more often off than on. Show of Hands is also very good and better sound than Exit stage Left....but Exit Stage Left is the one to is a classic. This is the only one I will replay.
Going to the Dr. today to get my ears checked.. My hearing must be off. I find the R30 to be the best the band has put out both audio and video...

Ghost_ Rider,,,you out there??? Any thoughts on this one??
I find the R30 to be the best the band has put out both audio and video...

I may have been too harsh. The video is indeed exceptional. The digital sound is impressive as it shows up some warts. Perhaps I am focussing too much on those minor can do that...too much detail for its own good. I must affirm that the drums are much better recorded on R30 than both the others I mentioned.

Perhaps it is nostalgia...but Exit Stage Left was most enjoyable to me...they are just so tight musically on this DVD...even if you can't see a whole lot. Like Queen Live at Wembly...there must have been something in the air that night... ;-)