Rush in 5.1 surround

I was just wondering how Rush fans were reacting to the new album being released in 5.1 Hi rez? I know there was alot of controversy over the final production of Vapour Trails and complaints it was recorded to loud and distorted. I kinda liked it! and I can hardly wait for Snakes and Arrows.
First, I owe Shadorne an apology for mispelling his handle-sorry about that!! To address your question,Shadorne, Growing Up Live and Secret World Live are my f avorite DVD's by Peter Gabriel. His daughter Melanie sings harmonies and a few solos on Growing Up Live, and as always has the awesome Tony Levin with him on bass and David Rhodes on guitar as well as other side-persons. An added benefit besides the musicality, which i'm sure Gabriel f ans will attest to, is he puts on a good show. I've been a huge fan of his since his days in early Genesis. And yes, the Black Eyed Peas Sydney to Vegas I caught at a friend's house-it 's an excellent recording of a live event. I should add that in light of what I said a bout the Rush DVD's, I realize that a live recording is rarely up to what can be achieved in studio, but some outfits have managed to do this rather well, and Gabriel's crew are just one-would be interesting to hear from the rest of you on what recording outfits you feel do justice to recording groups live in concert!-Mrmitch
Zignot, I have just tuned in after getting my PC up an running again and I have the following comments to make. I find that I am to big of a fan to criticize any of there work but I as far as the timing goes I am baffled. I have allways found the band to be tight and on the money. All of the recordings are excellent and yes Exit Stage Left is a little more analogue sounding. I actually find Rush in Rio and the R 30 tour to be excellent recordings. But I think after reviewing both of your systems, it probably does have something to do with the set ups we have. And by the way, can I see a close up of the Hemispheres autographed pic on the wall? That is awsome.. I heard Rush may be putting out 5.1 SACD's of there older stuff, I wonder what happend to that project, sure would have been nice..
Ghost rider,
I have been busy with the holidays and hadn't listened and/or watched anything in a few weeks. Last night I watched the Replay x3 DvD's. Then sampled some of the Rio and R30 tracks. They are a band that I totally cannot stop listening to and have to remember that..I know my system is not like most on this forum and would have to agree may have some limitations. However, ne of the reasons I got into this hobby to give me a way of bringing the concert experience of my favorite bands home not to pick apart how they were recorded, compression of sound, bla, bla, bla....You end up listening for the wrong reason, for negatives of the recordings.. When 90,000 people sing every single note to YYZ it should give you the chills not make you wonder why it was recorded a certain way.....Had a beer and jumped up and down with 90k of my fellow Rush fans last night...Got the chill back!!!!

I was looking at your system again..Quick question...I recently placed 22lbs of concrete on top of sub(wrapped in rubber mesh and cloth). I also put the same under it and found a tremendous improvement in bass response. I noticed you did something similar with your mains...Would like to here what kind of improvement you found..I currently have my mains spiked( rug,extra padding on concrete floor)..

Hemispheres..My wife got that one for me. I look to add some better pictures over the weekend!..Got to ask you where you got those prints? Do you have lights on them..Pictures look like they are glowing...AWESOME...
I was just checking on a few emails and read this post. I had come downstairs wondering what I was going to listen to tonight. After reading your post I think I am due for a little Hemispheres. As far as the concrete blocks go it serves two purposes. I find the speaker gets further away from the box sound when sitting on concrete and I highly recomend you try it out. At 5 bucks a block it cant hurt and I think you will be pleased. Also I have used several blocks under the speakers, these adjust the height so my ear is centred between the mid and tweeter. I also have blocks under my sub and will be adding two more to the top this weekend. Again I think it helps a great deal with the speaker sounding less like the box. My sub is a Yamaha and is certaily the weekest link to the system. ( Gotta get that fixed) As for the prints, I had them custom made, the process is called a canvas transfer where a print or poster is transfered to canvas. You sacrifice the poster so only one copy can be made. I like them I think it is alot better sounding than to have glass frames on the walls. I do have lights from the ceiling on them. Let me know how the concrete works for ya.And I have been busy with christmas stuff but over the holidays I will be reposting my system with updated pics. You should check back to see the other prints.


Picked up the concrete stones last night...Will let you know what the results are...Will keep an eye out for the pics...Enjoy your holiday...