Rush remasters- thumbs up.

The thread about drummers reminded me of this.
I've been picking up a few of the recently released remasters of classic Rush albums- so far I have "Caress of Steel", "2112", and "A Farewell to Kings". The sound is very good, and the price is usually less than newly released cds. It's been fun "rediscovering" this band, and I recommend these remasters if you like Rush.
For fans who are interested in the meaning of the songs, here's a site with an interesting interpretation:

I have A Farewell to Kings and Moving Pictures on Japanese vinyl, and NO you can't have them :P

I might have to try one of those CD re-masters.

Rush's Remastered "Moving Pictures" cd is mind blowing!!! Mercury did an incredible job on this re-release, the first few seconds of "YYZ", check to see if your tweeters are still connected, as they seem to be dancing happily above the speakers.

The inital cd was BAD, I remember the cassette tape sounding better! Brings back memories, 1990 w/ Rush playing in my Pioneer 6 cassette changer. Wow, the good ol'e days when I hated digital, gosh am I showing my age?
I've seen Rush live many times, being 42 helps *L* Saw them tour for Fly By Night, 2112 (opening act was Max Webster, ticket cost me $4), Farewell to Kings, All the World's A Stage, etc... Great band live. I lost interest in Rush after Hemispheres, they went off in a direction that wasn't to my liking. Unfortunately over the years I've worn out most of my Rush vinyl, all I have left is Farewell to Kings and Hemispheres. Think I'll head down to my local used vinyl emporium this week and stock up. Oh, my brother played in a golf tournament a few years back, he was paired with Alex Lifeson who is both an avid golfer and by all accounts a really nice guy.
The drum solo you're thinking of was on 'All the Worlds a Stage" but I can't remember what song it's in.