SACD sounds better right???
all of my stuf flooded 4’ 4 days.
i have no money but I am replacing a headphone setup and I feel I must have in CD player SACD because it sounds much better, am I right?????? Help!!


consult Sony customer service in Michigan. This operation used to be located in Laredo TX. The SCD1 and SCD-777ES are very popular, there is a ton of information in these audio forums (Audiogon, Audio Asylum...etc.) Keep us posted on this development.

Happy Listening!

Post removed 

Thanks! for sharing - elizabeth

are you using the SA-10 and SCD-777ES in any configuration (coax, toslink)?  Thank You.

Happy Listening!

Hey folks, to prove there's still life in SACD, check out: from the Netherlands.

If all of my music sounded as good as the SACD of Vivaldi's Le Quarto Stagioni that they put out, all of my music would be on SACD. Rachel Podger and her Brecon Baroque has the best interpretation I've heard. 

I just got it in the mail and it was an emotional ride like I've hadn't had in years. Anyway, SACD done right sounds fantastic.

All the best,