SACD vs DVD audio vs 24/96..??

Now that there is SACD player #3 (Marantz SA CD-1 for a mere $7500) with a whopping 24 titles to choose from in SA-CD format, and 24/96 & DVD just coming in to age. What format will survive? Will they RIP like the Sony Beta video, or DAT formats and the MD formats? Will the audiophile of today have the saying "Long live the 44khz 16 bit format", as we said 15 years ago "Long live analog"?

Showing 1 response by inscrutable

Sony has released an sacd player in Europe that will street here at less than 800 this fall. As those prices fall, I'd expect more sales and more recordings to be available, and could be a decent installed base when/if the dvd-a crowd gets their copy-protection act together.