sar labs question

does anybody have input on this amplifier? the sarlab 200 wpc one on auction but know nothing about it.
From another Agon member via emial -

Sar Lab is owned by Walter Romanyshyn who builds these and other amp in a room off his garage. A one man operation and at full steam he states it takes 40 hours to build
one mos 400 all hand assembled. He lives in a small modest house and is a very honest hard very very fair
man. He has build me a headphone amp so I can use both my Sennheiser 600 and also my older set of Stax.He is currently designing and building his own
"tubed pre' to match with his mos 400. I will give it a try for sure.
Rumor has it that Walter recently had a heart attack and has slowed down his operation. I am not sure if he is still producing these amps.

He apparently lives in or near Winnipeg Manitoba in CANADA.