Call Bill Legall at Millersound, (215) 412-7700. Vandersteens are a specialty of his. He can replace the voice coils, no problem. And, at low cost. Also, if the spiders and surrounds need to be done at the same time, and only if it's required, he'll do them. Bill's incredible work costs no more than buying a cheap set of replacement woofers. You've got a good pair of loudspeakers there, do what is required to make things stay that way.
Replacing drivers is A LOT more complicated than one might think. Factoring in parameters that combine to be expressed in specifcations like Qts, excursion, etc. make it a more difficult proposition for most novices than they can get their head around.
For example, replacing a driver that is designed for a ported alignment with one designed to be used in an Acoustic Suspension topology, or vice versa (and, do you know what parameters make a driver oriented towards one or the other), is a recipe for failure. Sure, it will make sound, but you'll never have anything close to what you started with.
Replacing drivers is A LOT more complicated than one might think. Factoring in parameters that combine to be expressed in specifcations like Qts, excursion, etc. make it a more difficult proposition for most novices than they can get their head around.
For example, replacing a driver that is designed for a ported alignment with one designed to be used in an Acoustic Suspension topology, or vice versa (and, do you know what parameters make a driver oriented towards one or the other), is a recipe for failure. Sure, it will make sound, but you'll never have anything close to what you started with.