Schiit Aegir-Burn in Period

I have recently purchased two New Schiit Aegir Amps and running them in a mono balanced set-up. Can anyone with experience advise on an appropriate burn in period for the amps? Or, generally, what is a reasonable period of time to break-in solid state class A amps.


I have broken in many solid state and tube devices. Including Schiit. I would try and avoid drawing any conclusions before 200 hours. My high end Audio Research takes 600 hours to improve to most of it’s potential, but continues subtitly to 1,000 hours. I would consider yours mostly broken in at 200.

200 hours seems to be a good. That’s what it took with the Hegel H390.

All the best.


Thanks to all for the input, I think I am close to reaching 100 hours and was wondering if I can expect any additional improvement. So far so good. Thanks Bob.

I just got an Aegir 2 today, and within first 20 minutes, pushed it into protection mode.  It simply couldn't handle some serious George Duke funk!

Oh... and I'm running it into my Cornwall IV's.  I really like the sound so far, but the high's have a papery swishy sound to to them, that I hope will clear up When or IF it  breaks in.  I'm hearing other really good qualities though, but if it keeps shutting down on me, that will be a deal breaker.  I really thought 30wpc would be plenty for my Cornwalls.


@mirolab  I ended up returning the Aegir 2 because it was going into protection at lower volume than my original Aegir, which surprised me.  I ended up returning it for that reason and getting another OG Aegir to run monoblocks.  Very happy with them.  To be honest, though, I liked the sound of the Aegir 2 more than the OG Aegir.  It’s a great amp.