Schiit Audio Loki Max experience

I just finished listening to the soundtrack to “Star Wars - The Empire Strike Back” remastered soundtrack on CD. As warned by several Amazon reviewers of this disc, it really is on the bright side. In remastering the original analog tapes to hi res digital, a wealth of detail is revealed but the original LP release’s warmish balance is replaced with a plethora of heretofore obscured musically interesting details along with a brightness in the presence and treble that find you reaching to lower the volume. Too bad.  Or not necessarily, as having the Schiit Audio Loki Max equalizer in the system allowed me to compensate for uneven frequency response by augmenting the 20 Hz control by 6 clicks, the 120 Hz control by 3 clicks the 400 Hz control by 3 clicks, reducing the 2 kHz by 2 clicks, the 6 kHz dial by 3 clicks and augmenting the 16 kHz dial by 6 clicks ( for air).  The result of all this was a recording that was dynamic, revealing but balanced allowing me to revel in the resulting music. There is a button on the aluminum remote that allows you to make adjustments as you listen and bypass the Loki Max in real time to listen for any degradation of signal.  I couldn’t hear any negative effects whatsoever! 

Schiit Audio is apologetic about the price $1500.00.  This is the second most expensive piece of audio gear in their line. Having two other ridiculously inexpensive eq’s for more modest systems, they finally decided to discover what they could do for more “pricey” kits.

This is a marvelous component. If you are a minimalist who rejects the very notion of eq. then skip and I will continue to revel in how it compensates for imperfect recordings. 

The Loki Max can be eliminated from the signal path by a remote button.  If I play a frequency response balanced recording then I just depress the eq bypass button and enjoy the tunes.  

Try using this thing to tame the original Boston album (remastered) to discover that there is some bass and the presence region can be tamed to allow you to bask in the musical beauty. 


Showing 1 response by stuartk

As an owner of a Lokius, I'm very curious re: any difference in SQ between it and the Max. They cover the same frequency bands. Schiit talks about better quality parts in the Max, but I've yet to read a comparison on the basis of sound, rather than convenience. 

Why did you spring for the Max, specifically?