Schiit's solid-state 6SN7


             They offer a fifteen day, money-back, trial period.

     At least it would be a low-risk experiment*, for the, "curious".

                               *No poxes, just postage

nice one jasonbourne.  nice one.  your exclamation points really get me engaged

So you want to try a tube preamp, and you hear that 6SN7 tubes are supposed to be a good sound, then yadda yadda yadda, you wind up with some solid state schiit. Lol. Is it an interesting idea? Sure. Is it possibly longer lifespan compared to tubes? Maybe. If it sounds good, that’s all that matters. So far I’ve yet to see (er, I guess hear?) them put out a bad product compared to their asking price, so only time will tell how this is received.