Schroder sq and the new talea

I heard there was to be a fun time of learning and comparing of these two arms at the rmaf. Since the talea is relatively new, it still has to stand the test of time with comparisons on other tables, other systems and the selective and subjective tastes of discerning audiophiles! There is to be a comparison in one of the rooms at the rmaf this year, which i wasnt able to make. I would be curious to hear some judicial, diplomatic, friendly talk about how they compared to each other in the same system and room. I currently own the origin live silver mk3 with a jan allaerts mc1bmk2 and am enjoying this combo but have become curious about the more popular "superarms" Hats off to both frank and joel.

I hope this thread draws more light rather than heat. If someone preferred one arm over the other it would be OK. With all the variables it doesnt mean that much to me. What matters to me is what it sounds like to me and in my room. With that said...

What was your bias? was it for the schroder or the talea?


Showing 3 responses by halcro

Sebastian, DaVinci 12" Grandezza is not a great match for the XV1s. The ZYX Universe is a far better proposition in that arm.
A one cartridge comparison may not be decisive?

And Bill yes..........this is a nightmare.
Lew, you're right about the DV1s weighing more than the Universe (just by feel....I have only a mass of 12.6 gm for the Dyna but nothing for the ZYX), but why did you guess heavier rather than lighter?
And yes......I was commenting on cartridge/arm matching rather than the respective merits of the 2 cartridges.

Raul's point about the difficulty of designing a truly 'universal' tonearm is well taken.
Of my 3 tonearms on the Raven AC-3, the Copperhead arm came 2nd (although by the smallest of margins), with both the Universe and the DV1s. The DaVinci was best with the Universe whilst the Phantom II won with the DV1s.
When high compliance MM cartridges were installed however, the Copperhead won with every single example.
So trade-offs are inevitable I think if the aim really IS to design a 'universal' arm, and don't forget, the arm designers usually use one or two cartridges to 'voice' their tone-arm designs so synergy with those selected cartridges may necessarily compromise the synergy with others?
Dear Raul,
I'm wondering what principles first guide your design choices for this 'Universal' tonearm?
Do you start with a low mass design for high compliance cartridges (which you prefer) and then 'tweek' it to sound well with low compliance cartidges or vice versa?

I'm guessing that in any case it's a unipivot design......right?

Good luck