Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
@ thecarpathian
You made the analogy between the emotion of love and a Schumann Resonator.
I pointed out this is a false equivelancy. I have no idea why you are now alluding to androids.
Your misinterpreting the analogy. If you follow the logic to the last statement the point is you don’t have to know how it works, just enjoy that it does.
Your statement that "we" have 0.0000% knowledge about the Universe is incorrect. ’We’ as in humans have a much greater understanding of the Universe percentage wise. If you personally do not, then "I" would be correct.
And again, no idea why you would call a single human "we".
My bad. I meant to write 0.0000...1% which likely lead to this misunderstanding. Also, "knowledge of the universe" didn’t mean knowledge "of" the universe, but understanding all there is to know about the universe aka all the information the universe has to offer. By "we" I mean mankind. We know a lot more now than say 400 years ago, but it’s miniscule to what is left to discover. We know very little of the unexplored deep depths of the ocean bottom which is in our own back yard. If the universe is estimated at 13.8 billion years, how much of it did we really know about it today relative to everything there is to know? For the creationist, how can you compare our knowledge to the creator? My point, which I’m probably doing a lousy job of, is that mankind know very little of all the is to know, but some folks insist on understanding before trying the SR. Mankind may not have the knowledge/science yet to explain it.
When you corrected with "I", I thought you meant don’t speak for everybody, but my intended "we" meant mankind knows very little of all there is to know which I believe is a universal truth.
You clearly stated you did not understand the source of gravity.
I gave you the answer.
I’m quite aware that is not the same as how or why there is gravity.
No idea why you felt the need to state that fact.
Again my bad. I incorrect used the word "source" which by definition means "a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained", what I really meant was how or why gravity works. My point is you don’t have to know how it works to enjoy it. The same goes for "love".

Apologies for the misunderstandings which lead to my unwarranted somewhat sarcastic remark.  I pride myself in having decent communication skills but this time seems I failed miserably.
Wanted to test this in my room, so here is is version 1.0
Schumann Resonances, SineTone v1.0

Just download & press PLAY.
Free Download from :
(macOS 10.14+)


Please, no apology warranted or necessary. This came about because of my nitpicking, not through any fault of yours. 

Experiment with cheap one ....

If the cheap one work why buying costly one?

The costly one works better, doesn't put out a square wave looks nicer and you only need one in your audio room not a bunch of them like the cheap ones.
Purchase the ones that are rechargeable so one or more can be  easily placed at different heights in the room to sense if there is a difference with a change of position.Tom