Scraping sound

I'm getting a scraping sound. This noise sounds like when the record is over & the stylus scratches the label. The scraping sound is most pronounced between cuts but can be heard underlying the music.

Where do I begin looking to fix this?

The setup: VPI Scoutmaster & arm with Soundsmith Zephyr

I just spoke with Peter Ledermann today about my Lyra Delos which seems to be presenting the same issue as described by the OP. Not sure this helps, but Peter strongly suggested that I stop using the Delos until the ultimate cause is diagnosed. He said it could as simple as a gunk caked around the stylus to a worn out stylus. I guess my beloved Delos is going to Peter to be with its little brother -- my SS Zephyr for an inspection and a fix if necessary.
String.... I thought the VTA for the Delos should be parallel (90 degrees) to the record.
Zd542, my advise was to check the main platter bearing for grease, not the tonearm's unipivot spike bearing. The later has no grease.