Sealed Monitor Speakers

I'm starting a new thread from by post below and am now looking for sealed box speakers only. The Proac Studio 110s are now out and here are a few sealed enclosure speakers I'm considering around $1500.


Harbeth (any in my price range?)

Aerial 5B (nice but out of my price range and I don't like metal tweeters.)

Any others I should look at?

You can't really go wrong with the ATCs. Just make sure you have lots of juice (min 100W) on tap, well so the theory goes, cos my dealer actually uses tubes to power the SCM35s. And why are you going for the SCM7s when you can go for the 11s? I am sure your dealer can give you some discounts if you pay cash and especially likely in the view of the current economy.
Also, sealed speakers tend to be fairly inefficient. 87db is usually common.
Here is another vote for the GR Research Neo 2x. They are available in kit form, but there are those whole will build them for you on Danny's forum on Audiocircle. The cabinets are available fully built from Parts Express.

I had a pair built for me and they are really, really good. Substantially more transparent, open, and clean sounding than the $3000 Dynaudio S1.4s that I had before (still great speakers). Brand new, built for me, all upgrades (cardas posts, upgraded caps, etc) cost me a little over a grand. Where they lose (in a major way) is the under 60hz response, and bass dynamics.

I disagree however with Trianglezerius on the sub issue. These are subwoofer required (as are most, if not all, other sealed monitors). With a good sub (ie. GR Research server sub, can be had for around $700) then they are unbeatable.
Wonderful, price is the deciding factor on the 7's vs. 11's.
I'm really intrigued by the ATC speakers.

You're right about going with the 11's if possible and maybe a dealer could make a deal.
Ask Rick Craig of Selah Audio to build a pair of "SSR" monitors in sealed boxes, substituting ScanSpeak D3004/66000 tweeters in place of the Fountek ribbons. John Krutke of Zaph Audio has a ported floorstanding kit sold via Madisound using these same drivers and his website has great info. For an ultra frugal guy like him to design this new kit speaks volumes about the drivers' quality. I have Selah line arrays, essentially big, sealed 2 ways, using the same midbass drivers. The upper bass and midrange are outstanding. For a 2 way monitor in your price range I'd use the soft dome - I don't like the low treble distortion of most ribbons used singly. If you're committed to these new speakers for the long haul and, like me, embrace the "sealed box mains plus subs" paradigm, you might ask Rick Craig to estimate the cost of his sealed "SSR" monitors with the RAAL 140D (the bigger RAAL) ribbons. In the $2500 ballpark such a sealed 2-way might likely have no peer.

Just my 2 cents. jb