Mine does not come from Ebay, here is the copy of it.
eBay Second Chance Offer for Item #9704804933 Inbox
G.S. to me
More options 8:57 am (2 hours ago)
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Display images below - Always display images from dugeistble@yahoo.com
Second Chance Offer -- Buy The Item You Recently Bid On
Good news! The following eBay item on which you placed a bid is again available for purchase at your last bid amount
Second Chance Offer
This message was sent after the listing closed.
Item name: Golden Tube Audio 300B MK ll
Item number: 9704804933
Your Price: US $700.00
Second Chance Offer
The seller is making this Second Chance Offer because the high bidder was either unable to complete the transaction or the seller has a duplicate item for sale.
The selling of this item through Second Chance Offer is in compliance with eBay policy; you will be able to exchange feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all eBay services associated with a transaction, such as fraud protection
eBay does not charge an Insertion Fee to send a Second Chance Offer. Sellers pay only the Final Value Fee when the offer is accepted.
Act Now - This Offer Ends Soon
To take advantage of this opportunity, please act quickly. This offer ends on 10-Apr-06 19:53:46 EDT .
Don't let this get away!
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Marketplace Safety Tip
Always remember to complete your transaction on eBay - it's the safer way to buy.
Please do not offer to buy or sell this item through this form without completing the transaction on eBay. If you receive a response inviting you to transact outside of eBay, you should decline -- such transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy.
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eBay Second Chance Offer for Item #9704804933 Inbox
G.S. to me
More options 8:57 am (2 hours ago)
External images are not displayed.
Display images below - Always display images from dugeistble@yahoo.com
Second Chance Offer -- Buy The Item You Recently Bid On
Good news! The following eBay item on which you placed a bid is again available for purchase at your last bid amount
Second Chance Offer
This message was sent after the listing closed.
Item name: Golden Tube Audio 300B MK ll
Item number: 9704804933
Your Price: US $700.00
Second Chance Offer
The seller is making this Second Chance Offer because the high bidder was either unable to complete the transaction or the seller has a duplicate item for sale.
The selling of this item through Second Chance Offer is in compliance with eBay policy; you will be able to exchange feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all eBay services associated with a transaction, such as fraud protection
eBay does not charge an Insertion Fee to send a Second Chance Offer. Sellers pay only the Final Value Fee when the offer is accepted.
Act Now - This Offer Ends Soon
To take advantage of this opportunity, please act quickly. This offer ends on 10-Apr-06 19:53:46 EDT .
Don't let this get away!
Thank you for using eBay!
Marketplace Safety Tip
Always remember to complete your transaction on eBay - it's the safer way to buy.
Please do not offer to buy or sell this item through this form without completing the transaction on eBay. If you receive a response inviting you to transact outside of eBay, you should decline -- such transactions may be unsafe and are against eBay policy.
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