Securing Monitors to a stand

I just got done with my latest DIY project, building Speaker monitors.

They are bigger and heavier than most standard size monitors and though the stands that are used are solid and the speakers sit on them firmly, a good bump may topple them.

I am presently using Herbies Big Fat Dots under the speakers, but they don’t really anchor the speakers to the stand. Blue Tack can be used but, wouldn’t hold much. I thought of using mirror clips with padding but that would involve drilling holes in the bottom of the speakers.

Anyone have a better idea?



I am using Herbie's BF Dots also with double-sided tape. I don't think it will be enough if bumped hard, however I don't think they will slide off. If you don't care about looks, how about a bungee cord?
I set my monitors directly on their maple stands. The stands were made to fit the size of the speaker and they are fairly secure the way they are. I tired using Herbie's BF Dots but they muddied up the sound. Sitting directly on the stands gives the best results, for me.

I don't have kids or pets around that can knock them about and so far, so good.

All the best,
I use a little Blu-tack between my monitors and the heavy metal stands. It doesn't secure the monitors fully, but works ok (hardens over time) and I don't hear much sonic change. Just a LITTLE under each corner of the speaker.

Thanks for the suggestions.

My DIY cabinets are not quite so DIY. I purchased them in a high gloss finish with tapered sides. I mounted dual speaker posts in the back for bi-wiring. To enhance possible future tweaking options, I made custom boxes to house external crossovers connecting them to the speaker posts using cables with banana plugs on both ends.

The DIY portion is the tweeters (Aurum Cantus G1) special 6.5" woofers and a crossover utilizing top of the line silver/gold/oil Mundorf caps.

The stands are the 3 steel pole type but are filled solid with a special mixture of sand and a very fine grade steel shot (more like a dust). They do look great on the stand. It would take a lot to knock over the stands.

I do have some double sided sticky tape to use but I’m not sure if that would hold much. My prototype boxes (that were definitely home made) used some glass mirror clips that did hold the speaker to the stand very well but that involved drilling holes in the bottom of the speaker boxes for the screws.

I also thought about making a wooden platform to then use the mirror clips with screws to mount to the small metal steel stand top. I could make this platform to fit the speaker with a small side lip on the top sides to secure the speaker. But that may look kinda goofy.

I appreciate any more suggestions.
