Seeking feedback on Swan, Paradigm and Triangle

My quest to find a new speaker continues. Has anyone had any experience with Swans M-1 or 3.1? What about Paradigm Studio 60's and Triangle Zerius (spelling?)? I have a CJ-MV 60 and small room (12x16).
You asked about Swans and I refered to the M1s. Why did you ask about them if you dont know what they are? You are probably better off with Paradigm.
Hi Blkadr!

I asked becasue that is how one learns. As mentioned and to clarify, I knew the original founder of Swan and since his death I was uncertain as to the direction of the company. I spoke with the new owners and then wanted to see what the market said. As a management consultant, you ask questions and then sift through it all to find what is real and what is not. With my system and ears, I may not be better off with either the Paradign or Swans. The short list is now Meadowlark and Joseph. Thanks for your input. But, let me ask. If you have the M1s but feel that I would be better of with the Paradigms, what is it that you like about them, that is (1) better than yours (2) better for me (3) but not better for you? Cheers Mate!

I don't think a towel is necessary. My first response to Blkadr was not well thought out. I need to collect lots of info and hear lots more speakers before making a decision. I spent too many years inside the industry to accept everything that I hear and read, especially at first glance. You have to take chances and ask questions. And, where I live, there are not that much access to new equipment unless I drive 1+ hours, which I am now doing. Armed with some insight from all of you allows me to pick and choose the dealers that I visit. Getting back into the game is fun and interesting. A lot has happened in 15 years. Thanks for the support! Greatly appreciated! Cheers!
Cellorover, your response was generous and tactful, two qualities I confess mine was lacking. One thousand apologies. Swans is a completly different company now and their products have changed a lot. They import and use in their own designs high quality HiVi drivers from China of all places. That didnt seem to bother companies like Cliffhanger, Totem and Coincedent, they all use HiVi drivers in some of their designs. I have only heard the M1s and they have stood up very well in comparison with some better known and more expensive speakers. They are small but like my Totem 1s are capable of (relatively) high output and are dynamic in moderate size rooms. Mine is about 16x16. The ribbon tweeters are very nice. The Paradigms mentioned go deeper but cant match the Swans in ultimate clarity and detail (IMO). The M1s also have a very natural balance, although I use them with a sub. They are not very efficient at 85-86db but are an easy 8ohm load and dont seem to take too much juice. I have only used them with SS power so cant say how they take to tubes. This is only my opinion from my own experience. I purchased mine used "for a song" to use as backup while trying others and still havent found anything to really settle down with. The Paradigms are good speakers and I have also heard the Meadowlark Kestrals and they are a very good value also. Hope you find what your looking for, and again I regret coming off like a prick.