Seeking opinions about Pass Labs 250.5 amp.

Just was wondering if you members who were waiting for your Pass Labs-250.5 amps had received them and what your opinion is of their sonics is in your system? I believe there were at least two or three GON members that had posted questions regarding this amp in the last couple of months, so it would be great to see what you now think. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to share.
I received my X250,5 about a month ago and it just blew me away right out of the box.Pass changed cosmetics a little bit but the biggest change is the sound.I spent half a year wondering if i should send my 2 grand to AV Logic and trade in my X 250.Now i am mad at myself for not doing it right away.Soundwise the new amp is completely different from the original and outperforms it in every aspect.The soundstage is deeper and midrange is sweeter and musical instruments are bigger.Also,it seems like this amp has more power than its predesessor.The meter hardly ever moves while the old one was at 1-2 o'clock while playing really loud.The new amp runs hotter and my ConEd bill shows $30 difference compared to the old amp.I went a little over the top and replaced Pass's female RCAs with WBT Nexgens.After hearing the results i reccomend this upgrade as a must.Surprisingly,of all the power cords that i have the best match was with relatively cheap Harmonic Technology AC-11.In the future i plan to do something with the amp footers,probably Black Diamond racing pucks and plan to upgrade binding posts with WBT Signatures which i think is a must too.Sorry if i didn't describe its sound very good,i am not too good at that.Looking back,if i knew how this amps sounds,i would have paid double the price (4 K)for it if asked.
Reviving an old thread as I am interested in upgrading my amp.

Any more opinions on this amp? Seems everything I've read is quite positive. TIA
Not a direct comparison but I have an Int-150, which is an X150.5 and part Xp10

Best SS amp I ever had.