Sell Hi-Fi and invest in stock market?

Should i sell my expensive gear and put the money in the stock market? Hopefully I could get a large gain and buy better equipment down the road. Anybody doing this?
Be prepared to not see the end of that road for about a year and a half!!!
Your "expensive gear" will NOT be garnering the prices you think at this time period so...All in all, turn on your system, kick back , these kind of times were why you escaped to music in the first place!! :)
Sell your inexpensive gear and do it.Keep your expensive gear and enjoy the Now now.Too many flaws in that particular strategy at any time to consider it.That will be 250$,make check payable to..........
From now till March 15 investing is a total gamble. Until Obama is inaugerated and has authored some legislation it is way to early to know how the market will react, even after he has asked Congress to pass such and such or confirm so and so we will not have any good answers till we see what Congress does. Hence, keep your rig but be prepared.