Sellers adding for PayPal use is plainly BS

I am just curious, why charging buyer, in such a blatant way, for PayPal service that SELLER is enjoying? If those 2-3% will 'impoverish' given seller, why not including them in selling price? As a matter of principal, i'll never buy from such a seller!
If adding the PayPal option is solely for the convenience of buyers and so valueless or burdensome for the seller, why bother with the hassle?

Presumably sellers add the PayPal option to increase the size of their potential market to include those who don't have the cash to pay immediately or have an aversion to sending strangers large sums of cash. Presumably, this is to drive the maximum sales price. Some customers/buyers are just more expensive to deal with than others - I agree with a couple of comments that it is just a cost of doing business that most retailers recognize.

Having said that, I wholeheartedly agree that any seller has the right to charge whatever they want for whatever they have, including tacking on PayPal fees. Why not bill back any long distance charges for return phone calls, as well? Recognize, though, that it may turn off a subsegment of the market, such as Eldragon, with whatever implication that has for price you get for whatever it is you are trying to move. Given one off sales of high end audio, the implication is probably nothing. For most retailers, the implication is meaningful.

I'd remind you of various threads here and on AA about how some people react to the "attitude" of various high end dealers. The "tacking on of PayPal" fees potentially falls into the category of "attitude" for some.

For me, I can live with either alternative.

On a different subject - Eldragon - try the 1999 Abadia Retuerta Rivola. Quite good for around $10/bottle.
I've never used the c2it service, but I notice that they don't charge a fee on either end for credit card transactions within the US. I'd be curious to hear from folks that have some experience with their service and can compare it to PayPal.
Well, we all have our quirks and blind spots. As previously noted, I will buy only from sellers who ship COD. They don't wanna do COD, we don't do business, it's that simple. Interestingly, despite all the indignant sellers who got up on their hind legs the last time this topic came up, I've NEVER had a seller refuse a COD transaction, though lots of them say up front that they won't do it under any circumstances. I think it is a matter of building confidence in each other via phone or email. That and the fact that I agree to pay shipping both ways up front on items of any significant cost.

That's my quirk. PayPal is somebody else's quirk. My point is, if you want the gear then negotiate the price. I don't care if the seller wants to charge me for laundering his shirts. If the price is what I'm willing to pay, let the deal go forward, shirts and all. If it isn't what I want to pay, and we can't get together on a workable price, then PayPal fees and shipping charges and the phase of the moon have nothing to do with it.

When ebay began, it was a neat, clean, and simple way of putting (mostly) casual buyers and sellers in touch with each other. Now it is heavily influenced by dealers and pseudodealers and would-be dealers and know-it-alls of every ilk, plus enough rules, regulations, complications, and add-ons to gag a goat. Little wonder that more and more buyers make end runs around the whole process, merely using ebay as a means of contacting sellers, negotiating prices, pulling gear out of auctions, paying listing fees, closing the deal, and getting on with life.

Why must this all be so grim and serious? Are we not supposed to be having fun?

My local Hifi shop charges me if I choose to use a credit card if it is for a pre-owned item at a giveaway price. I consider this to be perfectly fair – I want the best deal and the shop is trying to work with me. By contrast, if some bill-roll walks in to buy a 5000k piece and slaps down his card without haggling, no problem. Nothing said. The issue of CC fees would never be brought up.
Kjg, there is another Audiogon thread titled c2it thanks - or something like that. Be sure to check it out before you register with those guys.