Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?
Hard to keep up with all the advice but thanks.
I cannot get the original box.
I have gotten the repeated advice about 50%. Got it.
I have done research about past pricing and it varies a lot and there is not a statistically significant sample. The amp brand and quality are unusual but may tickle the fancy of the right buyer.
I have included a lot of information and reviews of the item.
I took Millercarbon's advice and lowered my price because of what he and others said. I had set the price too high — it wasn't unreasonable given the item but a bit off the mark. Now I'll wait.
I never said that I didn't want to sell the item here. I went first with a site I've used before and am comfortable with. Keep an eye out on AG for this wonderful piece, donvito. I'll make you a special offer.
5 days — I am patient and it is listed on AudioMart. @rushfan Your questions are answered earlier in this thread.
Rarely. I price my gear to sell and it almost always does at the asking price. Yes, I agree, the seller should do the research to come up with a price that's a win-win for buyer and seller.
@sokogear Have not switched from tubes. Want a better SS amp to swap in/out with my tube preamp. Want a powerful enough SS amp so that if I want to try some electrostatics I have the power.