Eleonida, excellent afvice, IMHO!. A few rules of the thumb waiting for cognoscenti. The Ohm load doubles (or halfs, as it were) per 3 db rating. I would pounce on 91 vs 88 dbs (the difference could mean a bigger amp, try getting THAT past yr wife -- or mine, for that matter). Resistance plays with the sound spectrum and average 8-4 ohms is, usually, happily dealt with by most amps. It doesn't compensate in the way I think you think it does (i.e. make things easier, low load but low resistance, so my amp loses on one and gains on the other). Beware of low resistance, it requires mamouth efforts to control... in other words, it'll suck the juice (the life) out of yr amp.
Concluding, if U like yr music at reasonable levels and, worse still, listen to classical, go for sensitive -- 89 upward -- speakers, and check out their lowest resistance rating. Most modern speakers play around a minimum of 4; yr Pass can easily match that.
Concluding, if U like yr music at reasonable levels and, worse still, listen to classical, go for sensitive -- 89 upward -- speakers, and check out their lowest resistance rating. Most modern speakers play around a minimum of 4; yr Pass can easily match that.