Separates vs Integrated and Separate phono stage vs preamp with phono

I've had a few preamps with built-in phono: Rogue Magnum 99, BAT vk30, Audible Illusions M3b (both MM and MC), and Plinius M16P. I've heard users comparing them with 1K+ separate phono stages and saying they are as good as separate 1K+ phono preamps. They were all OK on my system, but still not as good as my MAGI phonomenal (a tube phono preamp with two MM inputs at $1K) or Allnic H1202 MM/MC. Now, I am not considering any preamps with built-in phono for my future upgrades.
Is it really hard to make the phono section of preamps with built-in phono (at under $6K) as good as very good separate phonos at $1K ~ $3K?

I wonder whether users who prefer separate pre/power amps over integrated amps have the similar kinds of experience. Integrated amps (as built-in preamp) can't be just as good as separated power and pre amps at comparable price range?

MC & mikelavigne have dropped some great knowledge.

The point I would add is think about the customer the equipment manufacturer is targeting.  The customer who is looking at a separate phone stage is most likely a more educated buyer with preferences for cartridges or enjoys the process of tweaking and matching their system.

I prefer a built in phono stage for my preamp and for me it's about space and ease.   
I went to separate phono stage in the 1980’s after using one integrated in the preamp and kept putting more money into it with big gains in performance each time. I have to say the best cost to performance. Ratio was at about $9K. Phono stages are really important and when separates the company put effort into the power supply and overall performance. 

Also what Mike and MC said.