With the Manley, which sounded better in the setup you heard--the pushpull or single-ended setting?
I am pretty much agnostic when it comes to best topology. I've heard quite a number of very good amps employing all sorts of approaches. Between my pushpull 45, pushpull 349 and parallel single-ended 2a3 amps, my favorite is the pushpull 349. There are things I do like about the parallel SET amp, but the fullness of the 349 amp carries the day.
Among all the amps I've listened to in a familiar system, my favorite is a custom-built output transformerless amp--the sound was extremely vivid and lively, without having an unnatural edginess to it. My next favorite is a pushpull 252 amp (a real Western Electric 59A amp) that was also extremely lively and full sounding. I heard the 252 amp side by side with the Audio Note Kageki (the parallel SET amp that I own), and by comparison, the Kageki sounded thin and drab. The best SET amp I heard was an Audio Note Gaku-On. The Gaku-On sounds good with just about any speaker I heard it playing; .