Set-up on a Thorens Td160
I purchased mine in 1974, haven't used it since CD's came out. I now want to get back into vinyl so I found the best tech I could find in Milwaukee. It worked fine but wanted a tune-up. New belt, new RCA cables, new cartridge wires, and was talked into a Gredo Red. I've spent days doing research on this unit which still has the original TP16 tonearm that seems to get bashed a lot. The unit came back to me and sounds great, I had purchased the first 3 Zepellin remasterd LP's that had their first spin and sound wonderful. Played a few of my stuff from the 70's and 80's and after a quick clean also sound great. Here are my concerns, First, I put on the original cartridge alignment tool and the tip of the stylus is a 1/4" higher than the notch in the tool. The VTA seems to be level. I have yet to confirm the tracking force with a digital tool, the arm says it's at 1.5 grams which is what the Gradco recommends. I have no idea if the anti-skating is correct. Should I just leave everything alone since it sounds great or try tweaking things to get a better sound which at this point doesn't seem possible. Thanks for any feedback,
I just want the best listening experience possible.
I just want the best listening experience possible.
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