Setup question

A brief setup question if someone doesn’t mind helping me out. In my family room, I currently have a 5.1 setup with a HK AV receiver, 2 JBL towers and JBL everything else (which will be upgraded to PSB sooner than later). I wanted to add vinyl to my family room setup but my receiver does not have phono in. I bought a nice Rotel turntable and NAD amp that can be used as a pre, power or integrated amp.

My question is, what is the best utilization of this equipment? Should I go turntable > NAD (pre) >HK? Or should I go turntable>NAD (integrated) >speakers and use the speakers for both setups with a switch?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Showing 3 responses by cerrot

That's distortion and smearing.  Diaologue should be crystal clear, a whisper, just that, and totally discernible.  
Lots of quality equipment will get you there. I just wanted you to know you should not settle for anything that is not crystal clear, and think thats the way it is. I have a nice NAD T878 and B&W HTM 1 Center Channel and the 805s.   
I have a separate room for music.  When I do listen to music in the theater, I do not listen to the center channel.  Stereo is just two channels.