Setup question

A brief setup question if someone doesn’t mind helping me out. In my family room, I currently have a 5.1 setup with a HK AV receiver, 2 JBL towers and JBL everything else (which will be upgraded to PSB sooner than later). I wanted to add vinyl to my family room setup but my receiver does not have phono in. I bought a nice Rotel turntable and NAD amp that can be used as a pre, power or integrated amp.

My question is, what is the best utilization of this equipment? Should I go turntable > NAD (pre) >HK? Or should I go turntable>NAD (integrated) >speakers and use the speakers for both setups with a switch?

Thank you in advance for your help.
@mesch i just ordered the dac a couple hours ago.. Cant wait to get it set up.. The speakers are Ok.. I found a local listing for psb stratus minis for 175..which is significantly less than any other pricing ive seen.  The same seller has stratus gold for 550..which is also a gokd price but would stretch my budget with the holidays here.  But after listening to my office setup (mcintosh ma5100, mcs turntable, ortofon red, psb image 5t) im certain i want psb again.. Its perfect presentation for my hearing 
Great! Let us know how everything works out. PSB makes very good speakers. A dealer friend sold PSB so I have heard a couple models, not those you are considering. In my 2ndary system I use the NAD 326BEE integrated. I buy speakers used here on AG for this system. Buy an sell a pair about once a year, keeping two different pairs around for fun. Doesn't cost too much to explore different sonics that way. Need to know the market however.

Not to keep hounding you with questions, but I forgot to ask if you were using a subwoofer. Depending on main speakers one might not wish to use one for music, however for movie soundtracts even a budget one adds to the experience.

Good luck in your speaker quest, and hope the DAC proves out for TV purposes.   
@mesch  That's a great idea..I may have to start doing that as well to really learn what's out there. I'm blessed to have two extremely good vintage audio stores within 30 minutes of my house as well. It's made this whole mission significantly easier.

I originally only did 2 channel and I felt it lacked a bit in the I turned up the bass on the receiver and tried to get settings where I wanted them (for the record I favor brightness overall so go figure) but couldn't get what I wanted so I added a small powered sub. I don't have it turned up very much. In fact, I kept checking to make sure it was on because the level I had it at made it faint..but it added the exact amount of bass I was looking for on my records. I can just turn up the level when I watch a movie I suppose. But when I get the PSB's, I'll try two channel first..I can always have the sub plugged in and leave it off until I put on a movie.
With music one should not hear the sub, the bass extension yes but not the sub, at least not to know where it is located. 

Thanks @mesch ...the advice is very much appreciated. I'll update you once the psb's are hooked up but so far so good.