Several used sonos faber il cremonese for sale. why?

I've noticed lately that many used il cremones speakers by sonus faber are for sale lately.  And the price after being only 2 to 3 years old goes from a list of 55,000 all the way down to 25 to 30,000.  And they seem to be on sale for quite a while, and from dealers too.  I thought these were very nice speakers and don't understand why they're at such a discount and why many seem to be on sale these days.  I know the Amati g5 Sonos is supposed to be very good.  People aren't selling to buy the lower level g5 speaker.

I also know, and as openly acknowledged by sonos, the speakers are a lot more expensive because of all the design work to make them pretty. With these low used prices why would anyone pay 55,000 even if it's discounted by 10% or so? I know it's an older design speaker that hasn't been updated for a while but that may not be a problem.

Any thoughts about this as I was kind of interested in il cremonese. What's a good alternative speaker?



This looks like a repeat of your last speaker query in a different disguise, but at least now you have finally revealed the speaker that you were considering.

There was a used pair at a local dealer when I was shopping for speakers last June. They weren't set up well to demo them (they could be hooked up in a hallway). Delivery and set up was $3k.  No returns.  No way was I going to do that. 

……they are a very nice speaker and I too enjoy the Sonus Faber sound and have owned 4 pairs / types of their speakers in the past. I looked at them but they are a relatively speaking, a very big and tall speaker . This may present a problem to some buyers . The fact that they are an “ older “ design is immaterial due to the note that they are only a few years old in the market place. How much change is there really to say they are of an older design …..